Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Valentines Part 1

I discovered the wonderful world of craft, diy, nest blogging when I googled "diy valentine crafts". That was about a week ago and most nights since then I have stayed up after all have gone to bed to look, look, look and look some more.

Here is my first Valentine craft, it is a banner that says "Be Mine". It was quite simple to make. I cut out heart shapes in pink and red construction paper. I then downloaded a "valentine" font from a fee font site and I printed out the words then cut them out. I glued everything together, punched holes in the top of the hearts and strung it together with some cute cord I found. This is a project that you can incorporate with any holiday. I am already thinking of an Easter banner!


Georgia Girl said...

Michele I love your banner! I happened to get one in one of my swaps and just loved it. I have been wanting to make one but I am more of a visual person so now I can see exactly how to do it and will just have to add some of my ideas to it.

So glad you came over. I was at your orignal page..the six of us...but saw you did this for family members so I saw this other blog you had. Wanted to tell you have some beautiful children!

Tam said...

Great Job! Mine would never turn out like that!

Shannon said...

Welcome to blogland! Your banner is so cute!