Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Valentines Part 2

Here is something else I have done today. This actually involves something from my Dollar General cheapo finds!! Since discovering all of these crafty blogs, I have a new best friend...........Mod Podge. Now I know most of you have the same friend as I do, I would like to say thank you for letting me be her friend also! Ever since meeting her everything I see becomes a project that I could possibly do!

Here was one of my ideas.....

Plaque I got at Dollar General for $.30 (90% off)

The 3 squares were held together with wire. I tore them apart with scissors (I need a new pair now) to seperate them. I then painted each square red. While waiting on the paint to dry I cut out some letters from some scrapbook paper I bought yesterday at Hobby Lobby (they had/have a sale 4/$1.00 of 12x12) and Mod Podged them on the squares.

After a few problems (as usual) I ended up attaching ribbon with hot glue. I originally wanted to attach the ribbon on the back just visible in the spaces, BUT because of my mess up earlier I had to cover up some lines on the front so I put the ribbon on the front.

I did all this to find out that this WON'T WORK either. Because of this new blog, I really thought differently after doing this project. I realized I have a lot to learn (which will lead to another post). Anyways, once again I think I had a good idea, it just did not work. Here is the project as it stands now, I am going to try to figure out something to make it hang with a bow (oh wait, I have to learn how to make a cute I have a lot of work to do!)

I guess it will go to my project grave of unfinished projects until I feel like messing with it again.


Georgia Girl said...

Well I think after all the work you got it looking cute! I have seen otehrs just use the ribbon to hang with...why not try that.

Whatever way you do it I will look forward to seeing least your trying I am buying and looking at my stuff...hehehe but this weekend I have great plans!

Lisa said...